Welcome to my online gallery of artwork, jewelry, fantastic creations and treasures for your home.

When art is made from recycled supplies, it gives new life to old items to good to let die.

Can it have 1 life, 2 lives….3 or 4? How many ways might we reuse it before we toss it out the door?

All of the pieces are made by me and include all the fun vibes I can put into them.

The Art of R.A.H.

For jewelry, leatherwork and wearable art please check out my store. Lots of goodies there to take home.

For photography, paintings and prints please see about my shop and the options it brings.

Photography from the misty region of PNW

Captured moments in nature while hiking the moody mountainsides and beaches of the region.

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I re-use re-cycle re-think re-create

Trying to reduce my waste.

The Knotty Salvage Shop and the Art of R. A. H.

is the work of P.N.W. artist Rebecca Hegnauer.

Born and raised in the misty evergreen region of the puget sound, I am forever influenced by this beautiful place. From our towering trees to our moody beaches, there is beauty all around us here. It comes through in all that I write, draw, photograph and form with my hands. All woven together in a most northwesty manner. Taught by the grandmothers and fathers of my line to use it all up if your so inclined. Well I have and I will create with great thrill, an abundance of art from things on there way to the fill. Using stone and threads, fabric and leather. I mix it all up and create what my heart wants to in the moment.

The writings and musings about stuff. Come along with me as I navigate my path.

Some painting, stitching, creating and such. Who knows what I’ll come up with one day to the next.