Okanogan Barter Faire

What a lovely gathering of peacefull, fun, eclectic and diverse people. All the different vendors…..food yumms, vintage, treasure hunting, random groups just playing music. It would take a small book to tell about all the different booths that were setup at the 50th anniversary of the faire. Magnificent.

Did I make alot of money? No. Did I make fantastic trades? Yes. From home canned/grown goodies to original art pieces. I was almost overwhelmed trying to remember where what booths were, and wasnt able to say howdy to some fantastic vendors from past events…so heres my howdy.

I would like to try making a rolling vendors cart next year though…cruising and trading looked like fun. There were some pretty great looking cart set ups. Hmmmm…perhaps a large coat to flash my wares as I wander…lol. I wouldnt miss a thing, or person that way.

Only downside was a couple of people thought it was ok to steal from me. Jokes on them…not good juju to swipe handmade items…they hold energy. The energy they hold reflects in the way they procured the item. Food for thought.

Not gonna let that little thing stop me from coming back again. There was a pirate ship stage you could climb on! A few playygrounds for all the cute kids, a climbing wall…and a bunch of the vendors had free or trade tables aimed at the kids. So nice to be around a group of people putting the kids needs front and center, they get bored so easily. Yes the big ones too lol.

Might be a good idea to bring a bike to cruise around on for quick jaunts. Really was a large gathering…i didnt even check out all the camping area. Get pretty darn cold at night! Bring your favorite walking blanket for the evenings festivities.

Get up before dawn and limb the hill for the most wonderfull sunrise. You will be joined by the other early risers. Not to be missed.

Thanks for letting me ramble at you again, till next time my friends. -Becca

