Reggae On The Way

I almost missed out on this one…this was my first two day music festival to vend and most definately my favorite! But I should probably start at the begining…

Earlier this spring I had applied to get a spot at a few different events I came across. I really wanted this one but I was prepared to have patience and see what I got accepted at. What seemed like a really long time went by and I went on about my business.

Planned a backpacking trip with a friend the week before the event, figuring i’d hear back before it got that close and have plenty of time to get prepped. Nothing. Im just impatient..right? Sent an inquiry and got no response.

Embarked on the trip to the olympics. Had a few of the usual hiker just complaining issues…but I woke up one morning just all fucked off and feeling crappy. Every part of me said to get the hell out of the woods and into town as quick as possible. My dear friend took pity and agreed to hike out and drive me to the closest town I could get my MR. to pick me up from. Yes he’s awesome like that. She definately wasnt happy but obliged me anyway, thank you so much for that…even if you never want to go backpacking with me again.

As soon as I got to a town with the internets I found a nice spot to chill, eat and wait. Checked my email and they had responded…like were trying to contact me for a few days. If I had stayed in the woods I would have missed out on the opportunity…I trust my intuition.

I obsessed over my setup and got it all dialed in. Tried to get a helper for both days, but was happy to have the Mr. for the first day. Didnt realize how hard it would be to get someone to attend a music festival in return for helping with bathroom breaks and food runs…but it didnt get easier lol.

First day they put me up top next to a few non profits by the food. I did terribly! Location is everything. So I pleaded my case in the morning and the ladies running the event bent over backwards to find me new spot closer to the stage and crowds. Thanks so much! Not the best spot but it was way better than the other one and I had some great vending neighbors. I was right outside the beer garden entrance and 20 ft from the porta potties. I didnt get to sit down pretty much all day!

You would think that location sucked but it was perfect. I had a bitchin view of the stage, and everyone going in and out checked me out. I amost sold out of all the knotwork jewelry as soon as the sun hit the stones and people could see the colors come to life. I met someone who would end up helping me vend a different event, sup Da_Verk. And I got to see a few of the bands I really liked. Dancing and having a good time barefoot in the grass…listening to reggae and selling my art. Was a damn near perfect day.

Thanks for letting me ramble at you again, till next time my friends. -Becca


OHM...on the range


A summer rollercoaster of adventures.