OHM...on the range

Set in an open field with the background of Mt. Adams ever present…Ohm On The Range music festival was getting set up as we pulled in and found our spot for the next few days. First things first…stretch and enjoy the hell out fo that view! What an amazing backdrop for what looked to be a pretty fun festival. Met some of the other vendors right away as we figured out our placements. Took a few hours to get the popup and our camp area situated.

I was lucky enough to have a helper who could come and camp with me this time. He was super helpfull setting up and did a pretty awesome job of refreshing a few of the displays. I enjoy a fresh perspective on things, especially when its aimed at people of his age mostly anyway. Thanks man, much appreciated.

A little time to get to know the neighbors and the kids (young/old) started rolling in and setting up their camps. A chorus of hoots and hollars as people started to see friends from past shows and get into the spirit of the event. The first of the DJ’s had started already and the evening was going. I had a little light to use for my setup but didnt go all out the first night. I had decided to wait till Saturday to stay open late.

Day one was fun and chill as more people poured in. Skies were clear so the stars were absolutely amazing! I think the light show from the stage was all the light that was present. Pretty chilly of course and im pretty set with my circadian rhythm…so I went to bed a bit early for most of the people attending. This included my fun helper friend who stayed up later and got to really enjoy those stars. Smart move my friend…as the smoke rolled in a bit later.

I tend to awake at dawn, or before in unfamiliar surroundings. So I awoke to a sea of tents and more vendors had set up in the dark. The different stages were spread out and all setup. It was a different place than the one I had arrived at the day before. Did I mention I go to bed real early…and like almost none of the other people do? Plenty of time to enjoy a hot beverage and adjust to my sleeping space. I just crashed in the van since it was easier and I can wake up and not have to try to fuck with a zipper first thing. Try to save that for wilderness experiences…that dont involve shit tons of peoples. Besides they dont want to hear me make noise at dawn any more than I want to disturb others while they sleep in. All in how you look at things.

The next few days were full of alot of good electronic music, a few that actually made me laugh…cause they were not good but still fun to watch. I really know nothing about the genre. I made some contacts I hope to see in the future at other events.

The temp dropped viciously low one of the nights and I was just not prepared for that in the summer. Wont happen again…always pack the big blankets and a cozy walking blanket for traveling between the stages in the middle of the night(11pm).

Smoke rolled in for the rest of the festival. It blocked out the mountain and choked our lungs. The fires were far away the wind had just changed. But the temperature came back up, the light show were extra bitchin against the smoke when you layed down and looked up, always a bright side if your willing to look for it.

I made some great trades, and had a few particularly touching interactions with some pretty beautiful people.

Not everything goes smoothly though…you know? Festivals in their nature are full of people experiencing different levels of life and their actions show it. As the sobriety levels were extremely varied, ones actions have to reflect that when interacting at a professional level. Whatever the fuck that is…lol. Its a festival…pick your poison. But after a few days…the poison can catch up and people get damn weird. I was happy to be on our way sunday after a bitching grilled cheese sandwich and a few last minute trades. Fuckin yumm dude…peppers, sourdough, bacon and apple…who knew…so much for gluten free.

The ride home was damn scary towards the end. Van was riding on two tires that were disintegrating as I was going down the freeway at 70. I had no clue! It was a white knockle ride that threw me all over the road. I was tired and might have needed a nap.

Thanks for letting me ramble at you again, till next time my friends. -Becca




Reggae On The Way