A summer rollercoaster of adventures.

While I have a ton of excuses…none are worth typing out. Im a little challenged at writing about myself. I consider this a good thing most of the time. On this particular occasion it has not helped me. Alot of cool shit has happened over this summer and I shared very little of it. Its catch up time my friends.

After a fantastic spring learning my way around a few markets I worked myself up enough courage to apply for a few large festivals. After what seemed like an agonizingly long wait to find out, a few replied. I had gotten a spot at a local two day reggae music festival and I had earned just enough to cover the fee. There was alot more to the story but im gonna keep it short….right now. Fuckin stoked!

I obsessed over my booth and all the pieces I had made. Were they perfect? Present well? Priced nicely? Yes. So well After two days I had sold out of most of my knotwork jewelry pieces. I enjoyed the music, atmosphere, met a bunch of really fantastic people…festival peeps and vendors. It was a good time.

Riding that fantastic feeling I booked a few more markets and aproached a store to offer my work. They were happy to add me to the other artist’s they offered. Shameless plug time…Check out Black Sheep Resale in Tacoma, they’re fun, funky and affordable!

I could go on about some of these fantastic maker vendor artists I have had the joy to spend some time around. It makes me long for a studio space to work in thats full of all that wonderfull energy artists put out into the world…damn refreshing. Thanks guys.

Next large fetival was a bust financially for me, win some loose some. Headling band pulled out at the last minute and the crowds just didnt show up. The folks that were there brought all the color and fun fits they could pack into those mountains! Again I could go on about the great vendors, great group of people. This one was more of an EDM music festival, and super past my bedtime. I enjoyed myself even though I sold almost nothing and paid too much to vend it. But after a wind gust destroyed my popup(and my neighbors), I just called it and left early. Noone likes a sour mood vendor who has no patience for drunk/high people. Try again…lol.

Now I could only afford to book one more market…so I did. Showed up and sold nothing. But I happen to love this particular art market in seattle…Base Camp Studios puts on for the Belltown Artwalk every month. I got lucky and it was a performance by two artists throughout the evening. Creating a live spray paint stencil piece while the music is coordinated with the DJ. I thoroughly enjoyed myself…and im pretty sure I was damn high from huffing that paint for 3 hours. No regrets.

I happen to be married to a very understanding man who helped me book the next festival. Even after selling more on Poshmark (thecoolshitdept) I wasnt able to cover their very reasonable fee. Thanks babe. A bunch more prep for the festival…which was at the base of MT Adams by the way…and I was back on track. Festival was great! More EDM I was unfamiliar with but I liked alot of them. Great vendors, outfits and some exceptionally touching moments with people.

Now the big move comes in. Had to pack up and move shortly after that. Whirlwind of boxes and new environments to learn to live in. And then I got the news one of the festivals I had applied to vend and WEX at got back to me. I had been accepted to work exchange at a three day music festival in Oregon. I wanted to see a few of the performers/artist real bad and didnt make enough over the summer to buy the ticket. What an amazing opportunity to see how all these festivals work from the inside! Learn what I needed to do to get myself ready to present my artwork to much larger crowds. I was definately not ready yet and will be stepping up my game this winter. Humility is a gift.

I had one more event booked before the weather turned. And this was a hippie barter faire up north. I got to take the MR. with me and was the best way to end the festival season, cozy and fully supported in every way. I know which I will attend again and what to skip. I learned alot and answered alot of questions I had about the whole scene, and its very different environments. I will write about each one seperately as they were all a bit different as far as experience and crowd.

Now to settle in for the winter and start creating a new spring dream. Thanks for letting me ramble at you again, till next time my friends. -Becca


Reggae On The Way

