
So is procrastination something we need to talk about? Cause apparently I have a bad habit of putting this particular aspect of my website off till months have passed. Its not for nothing to say…I just prefer to say it to an actual face. Talking through a keyboard to a screen to complete strangers is pretty damn foreign to me. Im working on getting over myself in this aspect of the journey. So here goes….

I turned 47 in February, also known as birthday season. My entire household growing up had birthday within 30 days of each other. We dont make a big deal…just have a good meal.

First few markets of the year were pretty exciting and cold. Liquidated a bunch of my resell stuff, reprioritized what was left. I met some fantastic makers over the last few months, great group of creative people.

Re-teaching myself how to make some of my wares with consistency has been fun. I forgot how much I actually enjoy working leather to my will. This one is gonna be tricky though…i live in an apartment and I like my neighbors. Im gonna have to go to the woods to really get into the tooling as it is loud and I am a considerate human. This seems like a definate win win to me though. Making lemonade again.

Hearing from other people how important it is to have a supportive community to be a part of was the best thing that has come out of the process so far. I had started to think I was alone it that, that I was odd in thinking we should build each other up. Having seen so much tearing down of one another over the years to see the younger generations reject this mindset has been enough to keep me smiling for awhile. I am grateful for the new connections and look forward to so many more.

With a positive outlook toward the future I forge ahead with all my creative daydreams and grand plans. A warm knowing that this shit is in good hands. Bravo to the kids who reject the flame of competition fanned between their fellow human!

Thanks for letting me ramble at you again, till next time my friends. -Becca


A summer rollercoaster of adventures.


Just keep swimming…