It was a long journey to get here….

Like most creatives of my generation, I grew up making things with my hands. There wasn’t internet or anything like it, so the thought of my artwork nationwide or internationally never entered my mind. Everything was local galleries and you had to know someone to get hung. Not an easy thing to do at the time, and a little discouraging for someone not willing to…bend.

This ultimately led me to just create for the love of creating. I would sew and paint things for myself. Sometimes for gifts or just to give away for the smiles it would make. The occasional forays into the selling side left a bad taste in my mouth, we can be so harsh to one another and our individual visions can sometimes clash.

As time went on and technology made leaps and bounds forward, becoming easier every year to learn to harness its gifts and leave the rest. I began to dabble with the thought again wondering if the time was right. So I started selling on other platforms, found items of peculiar interest and value. I do like a good treasure hunt, and desciptions can be pretty fun.

So off I went to gather supplies! They must be second hand, too worn for wear or damaged beyond repair. So I sat with my old friends, my tools…be they table or scissors…they’ve seen it all too. Some of my tools are from my grandmothers mothers sisters sewing room. We pass down this gift, and I have to my daughters too.

Bracelets of lovely stones, knotwork and leather folding pouch creations tumbled from my hands, and onto these pages. I am so grateful for the gifts of vision and the ability to create them, I cant wait to make more of the ideas I have waiting.

Here I am learning to build a website for my work. Kinda still floored with the idea, but I am getting it done. Each little section at a time i build to be mine, I feel more empowered and purposely aligned. I have so many ideas to share and pass on. I hope that you like them and my artwork, maybe choose to take one into your home.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts on this journey. I will ramble another time…best wishes for your morning. -Becca


Just keep swimming…